Exciting news: The Deskless Report 2022 has launched 🎉 Read it here!

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Streamlined frontline employee communications
that make an impact

Want to empower your frontline workforce and drive your business forward? You need the top-rated employee communications platform built specifically for deskless workforces.

Speak to our team

You’re looking to drive your business forward.

Driving better business outcomes can be an uphill battle – especially when a lack of tools and support are leaving your frontline disengaged and prone to turnover.

You want to reach every single one of your thousands of employees, in real time

You want to drive sales, improve CX, and increase operational efficiency

You want to give your staff a voice to boost employee engagement and retention

You want data that will help you measure the effectiveness of your campaigns

Frontline employee communications Nudge intro | Nudge

Frontline employee communication, made easy

Open, two-way communication is simple and easy with Nudge – that’s why we have the highest user ratings on the market. Our user-friendly UX and automatic translations ensure that critical information is accessible to your entire workforce. Our bite-sized, segmented communications reduce information overload and improve retention. And our robust analytics ensure you know exactly what’s resonating – and where red flags are emerging.

Learn what Nudge can do

Loved by our customers

(and their employees!)

“Nudge is the solution we have been looking for to connect our people, share best practices, and improve communication. It has made our large company feel much, much smaller!”


“After 25 years in franchising, I am finally able to communicate with every employee who helps make our customers happy.”


Real-time, two-way frontline employee communication | Nudge

Real-time, two-way frontline employee communication

Empower your workforce to drive business outcomes by sharing the right information with them, at the right time. And make sure they feel heard with integrated feedback channels that ensure great ideas never get lost.

  • Avoid information overload with bite-sized, segmented communications
  • Gather feedback directly from the frontline through open forums, surveys, and chats
  • Optimize your onboarding with automatic trigger-based campaigns

Boost retention and reduce knowledge gaps

The average Nudge user is on the app for less than 3 minutes a day: that’s all the time they need to retain critical information when it’s shared with Nudge’s gamification.

  • Increase knowledge retention with multimedia content, including videos and GIFs sent to their phones
  • Gamify employee communication engagement by awarding points for interactions
  • Use skill-testing quizzes and confidence checks to uncover gaps
  • Centralize larger resources, like product, promotion, or company training materials, so employees can easily reference them throughout their day
Boost retention and reduce knowledge gaps | Nudge
Boost retention and reduce knowledge gaps | Nudge

Boost retention and reduce knowledge gaps

The average Nudge user is on the app for less than 3 minutes a day: that’s all the time they need to retain critical information when it’s shared with Nudge’s gamification.

  • Increase knowledge retention with multimedia content, including videos and GIFs sent to their phones
  • Gamify employee communication engagement by awarding points for interactions
  • Use skill-testing quizzes and confidence checks to uncover gaps
  • Centralize larger resources, like product, promotion, or company training materials, so employees can easily reference them throughout their day
Build community and drive collaboration | Nudge

Build community and drive collaboration

A strong employee community is good for business. Connect your frontline – no matter how big your organization is – through your employee communication platform.

  • Connect teams, regions, or individual employees through secure enterprise chat
  • Encourage team members to collaborate and idea-share through open forums and custom group chats
  • Foster company-wide connections with peer recognition badges

Employee communications that reach every single employee

Every deskless worker deserves the tools and support they need to thrive. Nudge is always adding new features to ensure the platform can be used by 100% of your frontline.

  • Track the reach and visibility of your frontline communications through Nudge Analytics
  • Identify disengaged regions or locations and quickly mitigate communication issues
  • Use automatic translations to ensure every worker can access your communications – and share their feedback
Employee communications that reach every single employee | Nudge
Employee communications that reach every single employee | Nudge

Employee communications that reach every single employee

Every deskless worker deserves the tools and support they need to thrive. Nudge is always adding new features to ensure the platform can be used by 100% of your frontline.

  • Track the reach and visibility of your frontline communications through Nudge Analytics
  • Identify disengaged regions or locations and quickly mitigate communication issues
  • Use automatic translations to ensure every worker can access your communications – and share their feedback
Employee communications that reach every single employee | Nudge

Track employee communication effectiveness

How effective are your frontline communications? How confident is your staff? Don’t answer with your gut – answer with industry-leading analytics.

  • Get alerted to communication issues during and after campaigns, so you can course-correct before it’s too late
  • Track campaign effectiveness, knowledge retention, and more through in-depth analytics dashboards
  • Identify knowledge gaps and issues at the region, location, or individual level

The employee communication platform your staff wants to use

Nudge boasts the highest user ratings by score and count across app stores.


App Store

4.7 Stars
+21k Reviews

“Allows you to communicate with colleagues, stay in-the-know on what’s going on within your company, and share reviews and experiences!”


“My experience on Nudge has been absolutely amazing. It’s informative and a great way to learn and reference the processes and procedures we need to follow.”



Google Play

4.6 Stars
+9.4k Reviews


App Store

4.7 Stars
+21k Reviews


Google Play

4.6 Stars
+9.4k Reviews

“Allows you to communicate with colleagues, stay in-the-know on what’s going on within your company, and share reviews and experiences!”


“My experience on Nudge has been absolutely amazing. It’s informative and a great way to learn and reference the processes and procedures we need to follow.”


Bonus reads 👇

The Total Economic Impact™ of Nudge

Download Forrester Consulting’s Total Economic Impact™ Study to see how Nudge delivers 484% in ROI over three years!

Read the report

The Ultimate Guide to Deskless Employee Communication

Everything you need to create an effective communication strategy for your frontline.

Read the guide

The ROI of deskless employee communication

The benefits of deskless employee communication go way beyond safety and execution.

Read the post

Learn what Nudge can do

Book time with our team to learn how Nudge can meet the unique needs of your organization.

Let’s chat!